Najeebah Al-Ghadban, 1991—
Designer / Collage Aritst

Najeebah Al-Ghadban is a designer and collage-artist from Kuwait, currently residing in New York City. She received an MFA and BFA degree in Design from the School of Visual Arts in New York. Currently she is a designer for the Special Projects department at the New York Times Magazine.( Previously a full-time designer at Abrams working on covers and interior layouts for a back-list of fashion, art, cooking, craft, and design books, among many others.)

Najeebah’s design clients have included  HarperCollins, Little Brown, Broadway Books, Penguin Random House, Atlantic Records, The American Academy of Poets, Sagmeister and Walsh, StudioWorks, Mary Review, and Abrams Kids.

Select work has been published and featured in Typographic Universe by Steven Heller and Gail Andersen, Process by Richard and Judith Wilde, and The Education of a Graphic Designer by Steven Heller.

She has also been featured in the following trade publications including: Kolaj magazine (print), Design Envy (online), and Print (online, 1, 2, 3).

Her work has been recognized by the Type Director’s Club, Graphis (1, 2, 3), Adobe, and AIGA (vimeo). 

As a collage illustrator, Najeebah explores mixed media in a range of art-series. “A White Asylum” explores the human psyche utilizing photography, shadow-play, and industrial objects. In October 2014, a 50-piece installation featuring collages from A White Asylum was exhibited at the Contemporary Art Platform in Kuwait with several pieces sold. One piece from the collection was also on exhibit at the Art-Expo New York in 2015. “Songes” is a second collage series that interplays between body and redaction through ink. Several pieces are for sale at Najeebah also has a collection of collage-explorations with paper, string, and animation, that include a slow but wistful introduction of color. Please contact her (below) for inquiries regarding commissions. 

Her collage work has been featured in the New York Times Magazine, Book Review, Sunday Review, The Baffler, Mary Review, and Lenny Letter, amongs others.

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